GoldPan 08/01/2001Windows 2000 Version is now available Download the latest version of GoldPan for your Windows 2000
machine. GoldPan now works with Microsoft Project 2000 and Access 2000. And of course it still works on other Windows 95/98/NT. The download file is a hefty 35 Mb .Twice as big as before GoldPan 06/20/2001Are you experiencing lazy Hammocks? Then download the latest version of GoldPan for a fix to Hammocks.
What took forever now takes virtually no time at all. So use as many as you want. GoldPan 06/03/2001Adding Summary Tasks to Risk Impacts
You can now add a Summary Task to the list of tasks impacted by a Cashflow, Schedule, Project, or Performance Risk. This is handy when a risk, such as estimating error, affects all of the tasks
below the summary level. GoldPan only adds the lower level tasks that include a cashflow or duration estimate depending on the type of risk. You can use the same feature to revise the risk impacts. For
Cashflow and Schedule Risks a popup allows you to enter the values for decrease and increase as percent of plan. For Cashflow Risks an entry is not made unless a task's cashflow is greater than zero. For
Schedule Risks an entry is not made unless a task's duration is greater than zero. If you have many tasks in your plan, be careful with this feature. You may end up including all project tasks to a risk.
When Should I Use Project Risks? Simulations will run much faster if you use Project Risks instead of Cashflow or Schedule
Risks. Project Risks affect every impacted task the same way. For example you know the estimating error for engineering is plus or minus 10%. This is a good example of where you should use Project Risks
Removing Tasks from Risk Impacts A Remove button has been added to all of the Risk Views to allow you to easily remove tasks that
are no longer impacted by the risk. Finding Tasks in Projects/Cases With Many Tasks Find has been improved and installed in
the Plan, Outline and Network Views. You can find the "next" task that contains the characters you enter in the Find field. Find searches the Task WBS ID and Title fields that contain your entry and selects
it. For the Outline and Network Views the tree is expanded to show the found task. Find can be repeated to find the next task. When the end of the list is reached Find continues from the top. |